Though it’s quite a joy, keeping flowers around the house is a bit of a luxury. A fantastic alternative is a simple vase of green branches, using fresh foliage from outside in easy arrangements. Oftentimes these branches can be found right outside your window – herbs, bushes, and trees can all provide beautiful cuttings.
(via Refinery 29, photography by Lucy Lu)
Pick Your Greens Wisely
Pay attention to color, shape, and texture when you look for branches to arrange. Stick with round-edged leaves as opposed to pointy ones, and pick leaves with a green hue that’s more blue or grey (there are some nice examples in the image above).
(via Sfgirlbybay)
(via Mother Mag, photography by Maria Del Rio)
What looks like a privet bush cutting graces the side table in Courtney Klein’s bedroom (above). These common bushes have pretty clusters on fragrant buds on their stems, and since they’re so hardy, it’s easy to cut from them. We’ve got a bush right by our front door, and I recently cut some for my bedside table. I love seeing that bit of green by my bed every morning!
(via Julia Kostreva, Lindsey Meadowsid, Happy Home)
I’ve been wanting a Monstera Deliciosa (cut-leaf philodendron) plant for a while now, and it turns out it makes a super minimal tropical arrangement when cut and placed in a vase (see top image). Eucalyptus is also a classic vase filler (sage-green round leaves, bottom right).