Best Pull Behind Sprayer Buying Tips

It is a challenging task for an agriculturist to maintain the greenery of a garden. 

The latest spraying tools have made this task easy but selecting the right model is still a little tricky. You should have some basic knowledge about the equipment so you can choose the best pull behind sprayer

For buying a durable pull-behind sprayer, you should know what features it offers and what makes your work more comfortable.

Although there are hundreds of reviews on different models, the one that best meets your requirements is perfect for you.

Here in this article, we will give you some tow-behind sprayer buying tips. It will help you in selecting the best model with the least drawbacks and 99% efficiency.

Quick tips for buying the best pull-behind sprayer 

Many best pull-behind trailers and spot sprayer models are available that include NorthStar, Agri-Fab, and Ironton. It gives the efficient performance for many years, but you have to decide the one best fit. So it is necessary to keep your eyes on the below feature when you are going to buy the sprayer.

What volume tank can store?

Capacity is the main feature of the pull-behind sprayer to talk about. The storage space of the sprayer tank may vary between 10 gallons to 100 gallons among different models. 

If you are dealing with a home garden, a sprayer of 7-15 gallon capacity will be suitable. The large-capacity sprayer is perfect for farmers and commercial purposes because there is no need to refill the tank.

So depending on the area you have to cover, look for the capacity of the tank.

From which material the tank wall is made?

It is necessary to check the tank material before buying, and it is the main tow-behind sprayer buying tip. Ensure that the tank material is corrosion resistant and it will not react with chemicals like pesticides and fertilizer. In the other case, if the wall material is not corrosion-resistant, it will adversely affect the plants.

Tanks of fiberglass, polyethylene, and reinforced plastic are resistant to chemicals, so choose a sprayer with any of the above compositions. 

The price of the pull-behind sprayer also varies with the composition of the tank. Fiberglass is the most expensive material among all and provides resistance to approximately all plant protection chemicals.

The stainless steel tank is another option, but the tank made of stainless steel is harder to pull, or traction may become difficult.

What should be the nozzle composition?

To buy the best pull-behind the sprayer, make sure that the spray nozzle is perfect and can work unstoppably. The pressure and ultimately spraying time depends on the nozzle. 

Some pull-behind sprayers comes with a variety of nozzles for broad and narrow coverage. 

Sometimes stream output is needed while, in some cases misting is required, so the nozzle should be adjustable. There are a variety of different nozzles for different applications. Some of them are:

  • Hollow cone nozzle for misting fungicide and insecticide
  • Flat fan nozzle for spraying herbicide and glyphosate
  • The nozzle that sprays droplet for sprinkling dicamba

What should be the size of the wheels of the best pull-behind sprayer?

You have to pull the heavy tank over the terrain, so the wheels must be big and strong enough to carry the load of a fluid-filled tank and not flat.  

Wheels of thickness more than 10 inches are best for the pull-behind trailer as thicker tires reduce friction and move on the soil with no trouble. 

Most of the tow behind sprayer models that are considered best contain pneumatic tires. These tires are freely towable, but the flaw of this type of tire is that it might get punctured.

Some Minor best pull-behind sprayer buying tips 

Pressure gauge

Gauge for measuring the flow rate of liquid is another overriding feature of the tool. You need to look at this gauge to buy the best pull-behind sprayer.


The sprayer with an output greater than 2 gallons per minute is perfect for commercial purposes. 


The hitch is the stick that connects the pull-behind sprayer to the tower. The best hitch is the one that attaches with any tractor.

Best ATV Sprayer for food pots

Watering and misting pesticides and insecticides through a handheld sprayer is not an easy task. It takes lots of time and energy but using an ATV sprayer for misting chemicals over food pots and lawn saves both energy and time.

All-terrain vehicle sprayers are used for garden maintenance activities and misting weeds preventives on the lawn. Few best ATV sprayer for food plots includes Master manufacturing ATV spot sprayer, Chapin international ATV sprayer, and NorthStar ATV sprayer. 

All these sprayers are high duty, durable and Chemical resistant that is useful for applying Herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, and water. 


The tow-behind sprayer is the most appropriate spraying tool for farmers and agriculturists but if you fail to purchase the best pull-behind sprayer it might create hurdles in your work. It is necessary to check the above features of the equipment. These tow-behind sprayer buying tips make your investment-worthy.

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