Do You Need a Waterproof Mattress Protector? 

It can be said that there is nothing that determines the quality of your sleep more than your mattress. That is why most people take extra precautions when it comes to keeping their mattress free from anything that may affect their sleep, whether it is dirt particles or spilled beverages. Spilling your drink on your mattress only takes a moment, but the effort and time that you would have to waste trying to change your mattress cover is truly annoying. 

Not to mention, replacing your mattress altogether is extremely costly. This is the problem with most mattresses, they do not protect the insides from moisture, dirt, and grime. That is why you as someone who really values a good night’s sleep should seriously consider investing in a waterproof mattress protector. Most people would not even know what a waterproof mattress protector is, so here are the nitty gritty details that you need to be aware of. 

Benefits of Owning One

Most pieces of furniture, especially in single family homes, can be relatively prone to accidents, and that is perfectly fine. Afterall, no household would truly be complete without kids, pets, and other sprightly family members. 

Having all of these elements in your home should not take you out of your ease of mind since these things are perfectly normal, so worrying about them wouldn’t be the best use of your time. Instead, you should be proactive in making sure that whatever dirt, sweat, urine, and other messes that can potentially ruin your beds won’t be too much of a problem. Owning a waterproof mattress protector is a simple, straight-forward, and relatively inexpensive way that you can do this.  

Why Does It Need to Be Waterproof? 

So you might be wondering, there are a lot of mattress protectors out there, what is the benefit of having one that is completely waterproof? Well, it is simply because most of the messes that can happen to your mattress is some form of liquid. 

Earlier we mentioned the possibility that you can spill your drink on your mattress. Afterall, which one of us can truly say we are not guilty of having a casual glass of wine while watching TV from bed? Some of us also prefer to eat breakfast in bed, with drinks like coffee and juices ever present. Even if that is not the case, bodily fluids like sweat, saliva, and urine can also cause problems for your mattress. That is why your mattress protector should account for these. 

What Does It Mean To Have Double Layer Protection?

It is not enough just to have a waterproof mattress protector, you want to consider one that has double layer protection. Now, what exactly does that mean? This basically implies exactly what the term suggests, you get twice the protection because the cover protects your mattress with two distinct layers. Fluids, dirt, and grime cannot get to the inside of your mattress because, at best, they would only get stuck in the innermost layer of the protector. 

The Material Matters

When choosing your next waterproof mattress cover, choosing one that has material that can maximize your level of comfort also matters. Afterall, that is the entire point. You want to have a mattress protector that is hypoallergenic and has a breathable membrane. This means that it freely lets air pass through while simultaneously keeping things like moisture, mold, and bacteria out. 

Sleeping on a bed full of pollen can be a nightmare for people that are very susceptible to allergies, so you want to make sure that you do your due diligence when it comes to finding as much out about the material of the mattress as possible.  

Is It Machine Washable? 

Of course, there is also the question of whether the mattress protector is machine washable. This is a very significant consideration because when mattress covers are not machine washable, most of us would just defer changing them because taking them to the cleaners can be such a hassle! Make sure you find a waterproof mattress protector that you can wash comfortably from the comfort of your own home.

 So those were the basics of what you need to know about waterproof mattress protectors. You should take solace in the fact that getting a good night’s sleep doesn’t always have to be so tedious, all you need to do is find the right setup for your mattress, and you will catch those Zs in no time!