Spring is in the air! You can just feel the earth exploding with color and fragrance.
It’s a beautiful time for a spring wedding.
I don’t know who doesn’t just connect getting married with a profusion of spring flowers. Bursts of pink, yellow, purple, and red. Explosions of color and expressions of beauty.
Love is in the air, and so are blossoms and blooms.
If you’re having a wedding at home, in an outdoor venue, or in a remote location, spring flowers will make the day.
Exploring Spring Venues
Last week, I talked with a couple that was delving in to where to hold their ceremony.
I asked them where they’d been looking. Here’s what they told me.
“We started with places we’ve loved in our travels. Our recent search history includes:
- Wedding venues NYC
- Wedding venues California coast
- Wedding venues Rocky Mountains
“But after all that investigation, we realized, maybe it’s time to think differently. We’re starting to consider having a wedding in our hometown, Atlanta.”
This is not the first couple that is thinking this way.
How To Make The Best of Your Plan B
In recent months, due to COVID-19, travel plans and wedding plans have gone through a time of major upheaval.
I like to think that there is a silver lining to this cloud. While your original vision may have been of a luxurious location, there are advantages to having your ceremony closer to home—or in your backyard.
Here are 5 advantages to hosting your wedding in your home or hometown.
- Radical savings
- Health and safety for you and your guests
- Less stress and anxiety
- No need to travel
- Hometown advantage – you know the florists, caterers, and planners
But there’s one advantage that isn’t on that list. It’s something that I believe most people ignore or overlook.
Building Future Memories
When you hold your wedding in your hometown, you will always have that day, the event, the guests, and the feeling in easy access. You can drive past the park and remember the glow. You can walk through the setting and experience the joy all over again.
Of course, if you decide to hold your wedding literally in your home or garden, the event is even closer at hand. You will be able to step into your living room and recall all the loved ones who shared that moment with you. You’ll be able to sit for a spell in the backyard, sip a cup of tea, and reflect on the love you expressed.
It’s a funny thing to envision the future—before it has happened. But that’s often what fuels us to make the effort and invest the energy in creating precious memories.
Do you really want to have your wedding in a formal venue that you can’t revisit?
Wouldn’t you rather build the ground for a close-knit feeling now, and in the future?
Well, if you and I were pouring over magazines, photos, and potential venues, I bet wherever we landed, there would be an abundance of flowers. Let’s explore how you can take full advantage and create that Southern spring feeling we all know and love.
I guess if I had to pick 3 flower types for spring weddings it would be:
Tulips and Daffodils just spell springtime. Think about the vast fields of Tulips in Holland. Full of colors—yellow, red, white, purple, even blackish blue. When you see these waving fields of tulips, you just feel happy. You can’t help it.
Daffodils come in a range of yellows and whites. Their joyful and exuberant glow makes you feel the same thing.
Star Jasmine
What an incredible fragrance. Star Jasmine is a favorite for gentle climates; such as we have in the Southeast and in California. It is adaptable to being planted in the ground or in pots. If you’re having a wedding in your backyard, this is a perfect excuse to plant Star Jasmine. You can get married with it’s unique fragrance, and the fragrance will forever remind you of this special day.
What’s your vision for your spring wedding? What flowers and venue are you dreaming about? It’s your special day and time. Let the setting express all your joy and love.