So your home is looking clean, but your water isn’t?
Well, what’s the point of cleaning your house when you can’t keep the one essential liquid that goes in your body safe to drink?
According to a USAToday report from 2017, 63 million Americans were exposed to unsafe drinking water.
Pure water is one of the most vital needs of the human body. And even for other household chores, contaminated water is a strict no-no as it can hurt your surroundings in unimaginable ways.
So it’s time to get serious and make some efforts to get clean water in your house. But before that, let’s see why clean home water is so important.
Why prefer clean home water
Whether it’s about health or water usage in general, clean water will always be preferred over unclean, contaminated water.
Here are the top two reasons why you should strive for cleaner water at home:
1. health is wealth
First and foremost, you should prefer clean home water to keep yourself and others around you healthy. Drinking contaminated water with bacteria, germs, and whatnot can lead to dangerous health issues like diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis A, etc.
If you’re serious about your health, you should be serious about the quality of water you use.
2. cleaner & safer surroundings
We all use water to clean our surroundings, right? But if the water is already contaminated and unsafe, you can’t expect a clean, safe home.
Water is first mixed with detergents and all sorts of other cleaners to do laundry, sweeping house floors, etc. If you’re using contaminated water for these chores, you are putting your home’s overall cleanliness at stake.
Ways to purify home water
Here are some ways you can purify your home water:
One of the simplest and easiest ways to purify any type of water is to boil it. People boil the water in their homes, especially for drinking purposes or sterilizing household items.
To boil water, you need to heat it until it reaches the point of full boiling. After that, you need to keep heating for about 5 to 6 more minutes. This will kill all contaminants and you can safely use it afterward.
However, there’s one thing to keep in mind when boiling water: During boiling, the water not only loses bacteria, viruses, and all other harmful substances but all the good minerals as well. That’s why boiled water results in a flat taste. So, we recommend using boiled water for household chores [and not for drinking purposes].
Tip: To improve the taste of boiled water, you can add a pinch of salt!
Although the process of distillation isn’t commonly used in households to purify water, it’s still one of the most effective ways.
In water distillation, heat is used to collect pure water in the form of vapor. The impure water containing all the harmful elements is left behind while the distilled, pure water is collected.
Distillation gets rid of bacteria, germs, salts, and other heavy metals like arsenic and lead. The process is generally used in factories and scientific labs. However, many advanced cleaners make use of distillation to clean home water as well.
Chlorine has been used for home water treatment for ages. The method of cleaning water through chlorine is known as chlorination. With the help of chlorine, water can be cleaned from all kinds of germs.
Generally, chlorine is added to unsafe water in the form of tablets or liquid to purify it. As an off-the-shelf water product, chlorine is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to cleanse any type of water.
Note that chlorine can be harmful to some people as it could result in allergies. So before you use it, make sure to do your research and call in a water cleaning professional.
There’s no better option than a whole house water filtration system to purify home water. Filtration makes use of both chemical and physical processes to clean water and make it drinkable and safe for human use.
With a quality filtration system installed in your house, you can expect water that is free of harmful compounds present in it. Also, filtration systems don’t deplete healthy minerals and salts from the water – making it both pure and tasty.
Different filtration systems use different filtration techniques. Regardless of the method, installing a filtration system is one of the most practical ways to purify home water.
If you are looking forward to buying a whole house water filtration system, we suggest that you do your research and get the one that best suits your needs. You’ll also find helpful information in this article, along with FAQs, and more.
All in all, filtration is one of the best methods to make sure the water in your house is clean and safe to use.
Whether you are drinking water or using it to clean dishes, you must make sure that it’s safe from all pathogens like viruses, bacteria, and other harmful compounds. Failing to do so can compromise your health and your surroundings.
So, when it comes to ensuring a clean water supply at home, which method do you fancy?
Remember that your home can’t be truly clean if it doesn’t have clean water.