Inspired by all the beautiful workspaces I’ve been seeing recently, I had the inspiration of redoing my desk… which turned into a whole bedroom makeover. I’ve been craving something lighter, brighter, and more me. I’ll share more details on that later. In regards to my new desk, I wanted some mix-and-matched white porcelain or milk glass vases, but a couple of vases gets real expensive real quick. I just didn’t want to spend $60 getting a set of vases, so I created this DIY project that ended up being just what I needed.
I took three different shaped and sized jars (one Grey Poupon jar, one Bonne Maman jar, and one Kroger Private Selection jam jar), taped them off and spray painted them with some plain white spray paint. It was simple and easy, and I love the result!
- 3-5 mix-and-matched glass jars, clean and sticker-free
- Painters or masking tape
- White spray paint (glossy finish optimal)
To make it easiest to spray paint, prop it on something tall and go over it one or two times, making sure not to over-spray the jar, or else the paint will create drips. Leave it for at least 30 minutes before removing tape and then I would recommend leaving it upside down to dry even longer. If the edge of your paint is not perfect, you can go back with an X-Acto knife once it has completely dried to straighten things out.
You can use these jars as a set on a coffee table, side table, or desk. They would look great with cactii or succulents, eucalyptus, or some fresh flowers. You could also use a larger one as a pencil and pen holder on your desk. Can’t wait to share the rest of my room refresh with you guys in the next few weeks!