Top 10 Tips for Cleaning Up Your Kitchen Quickly and Effectively

Kitchens tend to get quite messy in a surprisingly short amount of time. One day, the kitchen sink is empty, the table is clean, and everything is where it should be. However, just a few days later, you find yourself looking at an absolute mess of a kitchen, with a bunch of dirty dishes in the sink, an overflowing garbage bin, and a number of things displaced.

Fortunately, this article should help you deal with the problem quickly and effectively. We asked our friends over at Kitchen Tune-Up Franchise for their expert advice and to give us a list of steps that you can take if you want to clean up your kitchen with ease, starting with purchasing high-quality cleaning supplies, washing the dishes, and taking the trash out to washing down your appliances, countertops, and sink, as well as vacuuming the kitchen floors. If you decide to follow this list, you should be able to clean your kitchen up in no time!

Purchase high-quality cleaning supplies

The first thing that you ought to do is purchase high-quality cleaning supplies, such as a powerful vacuum cleaner, a professional-grade mop, and a sturdy broom. A good vacuum cleaner is important if you want to clean up your kitchen effectively, as it will allow you to suck up the dust particles and crumbs in a number of different areas of your home. In addition to this, you should also purchase a good mop and broom, as these will be vital for cleaning up the floors of your kitchen. For more information, click here.

Wash the dishes

After purchasing some cleaning supplies, the next thing that you should do is wash the dishes. This is one of the tasks that you can take care of in a short amount of time, as you will not have to spend much time on it. However, if you want to effectively clean your dishes, you should use dish soap, as this will help remove grease and make your dishes look new again. If you find that your dishwasher does not work well, consider hiring a professional company that offers appliance repairs.

Take out the trash

The third thing that you should do if you want to clean up your kitchen quickly and effectively is to take out the trash. If you leave your trash bin full for too long, it will begin to smell really bad, so take it out as often as possible. The best way to do this is by using a good garbage disposal or simply taking out the trash every day so that it does not pile up.

Vacuum the floor

The fourth thing that you should do is vacuum the floor. If there are any crumbs or dirt on your floor you should vacuum immediately. Vacuuming your floor will help bring back its shine and it will even help get rid of some harmful bacteria that may be lurking in the dust particles.

Wipe down your appliances and countertop

The fifth thing that you should do is wipe down your appliances and countertop. If you want to clean up your kitchen quickly and effectively, you should spend a little time wiping down the appliances and the countertop with a damp cloth. This will ensure that your appliances look as good as new and your countertop stays clean and hygienic.

Wash down your sink

The sixth thing that you should do is wash down your sink. The sink is one of the dirtiest places in your kitchen, so it is important to clean it often. To do this, use some soap and warm water to give the sink a good scrub. If you want to clean the sink quickly and effectively, you should also purchase a good sink cleaner, as this will help get rid of grime and dirt on the sink.

Mop the floors

The seventh thing that you should do is mop the floors. As we mentioned above, vacuuming your floor will help get rid of the dust particles and crumbs that have accumulated on it, and it will also help remove bacteria that may be lurking in these particles. Mopping the floor will remove any leftover bacteria or spills and stains you can’t get rid of just by vacuuming. 

Clean up your refrigerator

The eighth thing that you should do is clean up your refrigerator. This is one of the tasks that you will need to do frequently, as it is easy to let things pile up in there. You should clean it out regularly so that there are no old foods or bottles of spoiled milk in there. This will reduce the risk of you getting sick from food poisoning.

Clean out your cupboards

The ninth thing that you should do is clean out your cupboards. If you want to clean up your kitchen quickly and effectively, you should periodically go through your cupboards and throw out any old food that has gone bad. Doing this will prevent mold from developing on the food, which can be dangerous for your health.

Dust Cobwebs

The final thing that you should do is dust cobwebs on the ceiling. If you want to clean up your kitchen quickly and effectively, you dust for cobwebs at least once a month. This will ensure that it stays free from dust particles which can affect your health.


The hygiene in your kitchen can have profound effects on your health if you are not careful. It is easy to let dirt, dust, and grime accumulate, especially if you are busy working a full-time job, have kids to look after, are bed-ridden, or for whatever other reason. As you can see, cleaning up your kitchen does not have to take a lot of time or effort if you follow this list of steps. While it might take some time, it is worth it in the end. If you find you cannot seem to do all of these things in a timely manner, you could always write a to-do list and check each item off slowly or you could simply hire some help. If you decide to implement them, you should be able to quickly clean up the mess in your kitchen and even prevent such a mess from happening again in the future.