(via Pinecone Camp)
I’ve always been a fan of Nordstrom’s fun “pop-in” shops, but their latest feature with Liberty of London’s home and accessories line is especially eye-catching. Liberty’s iconic small-scale floral patterns have a distinctively fun-yet-sophisticated look to them that almost evokes a youthful nostalgia. Their prints reflect the sun-saturated colors and carefree feeling of summer with jubilant colors, and their pop-in includes a fun assortment of home accessories with their prints and a few ceramic pieces with larger-scale motifs. While the patterns are perfect for summer, colorful florals are the perfect winter pick-me-up, so why not start stocking up now?! Just click the + boxes to shop the products below!
[thefeedproducts style=’two’]
Those paper napkins would be so perfect for a picnic, and I’ve got a soft spot for pretty erasers (weird, right?)… What’s catching your eye?