Guest post on A Thousand Threads: Brilliant Blues

My move to WordPress is taking longer than I expected, but things are still rolling. I should be live by the end of the week… In the meantime, catch me over on ATT today sharing some sapphire inspiration!

I’ve always loved the idea of a color palette being inspired by gem-tones – emeralds, rubies, and deep sapphire blues, but blue particularly sticks out as an easy color to work into any room because it’s subdued and oh-so-versatile. I combed through Pinterest for different ways designers have incorporated blue into interiors, whether it be in the details or as a main element of the room. Check out this bluesy inspiration…


This rug (in the first shot above) packs a lot of punch into this neutral living space. The only precedent for this injection of color would be in the photos on the wall (and there is also a bit of cobalt on the inside of the side table), which shows how well it can be paired with brown and tan neutrals.

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Guest post on A Thousand Threads: Brilliant Blues 1

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